Corporate Counselling Services
We offer a wide range of personal services, one of which is our ever popular Corporate Counselling Service.
Our counsellors are all qualified therapists specialising in fields ranging from family therapy, sexual abuse, substance abuse stress relief and of course cognitive behavioural therapy. (CBT)
In these difficult times there is a great need for “someone to talk to” and to perhaps offer options, advice, direction and of course hope. Depression is at an all time high as is the rate of suicide attempts which begs the question
“Is anybody listening?”
Our counsellors offer this service and are experienced and up to date with the difficulties that are being faced on a daily basis by everyone. To change the mindset of an individual who is suffering at a deep level is a challenge not to be taken lightly and our staff here at Turning The Page are all qualified and very experienced counsellors, psychotherapists and family therapists. Emotivation specialise in the area of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
Turning The Page counsellors establish an immediate repour based on confidentiality and trust so that the client feels a sense of safety and genuine compassion and caring.
Our counsellors also offer a range of therapies including CBT, with ongoing support via e-mail or phone.
Turning The Page counsellors have been very successful in guiding clients through the most difficult of circumstances to achieve a positive outcome. Be it your staff or your clients we believe we are able to make a difference in people’s lives as this is our passion and of course our mission.
Perhaps you may have just found out that you will be made redundant, or perhaps you may be a long term unemployed person or perhaps you just need some guidance or someone to listen to you……………then we are here to help you in any way we can.
To book your Counsellor please use the contact details below and Paula Dunn will contact you to discuss details further