Cognitive And Social Change – CASC

Working with experts and looking beyond our borders at initiatives and success elsewhere, we have created and tested this exciting new program with significant results.

We are convinced you will see a noticeable difference in your success rates as we use new techniques, approaches, and ideas to transform often complex individuals and situations to ensure they find success, fulfilment and ultimately happiness.

Awareness is the key component; we cannot change something that we are not yet aware of, so identifying issues and behaviour patterns that do not serve us is the first step to success. It is most useful to discover where and why we behave in the manner that we do and by doing so repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

It was Albert Einstein that said “to keep doing the same thing over and over again, and then to expect a different result, is the definition of madness”…he was so right.

With new mind-opening content this new program unlocks a wealth of information in an easy step by step way and gets to the core of gaining employment with psychological engagement and excitement.

The new program continues the theme of life transformation, self esteem, confidence and understanding behaviours, but includes so much more, empowering participants whilst providing the necessary skills and cognitive understanding to reach true success. Assessments are now undertaken throughout and a psychological employment strategy is developed with each individual.

  • Our new exciting CASC! program includes:
  • Character realisation and reality analysis
  • Psychological temperaments and the characteristics for job success
  • Thought Visualisation Projection
  • Emotional paralysis and re-packing your ‘escape pack’
  • Goals and Scoring them
  • Leading research techniques
  • Psychology and perception in CV’s and letters
  • Networking for employment
  • Power v Perceptions
  • Personal confidence and communications
  • The silent ‘e’ The psychology of dress and etiquette even today
  • Social media the good, the bad and using it to your advantage
  • The interview and questions
  • Time management

Motivation and much, much more…email us to schedule your next CASC training!

Emotivation – Job Seeker Assistance Training – CASC – Cognitive and Social Change
